Sony TV 'Blinking' problem
Ryan Posted Dec 11, 2005
32" Sony TV - blinking issues
Hi all. I have a Sony 32" tv thats several years old. When the tv is turned on it blinks in and out ( picture is visible then blinks off ). Sound stays constant. Sometimes, eventually the picture stays on but its intermittent. I read somewhere about it possibly being the flyback transformer. Any ideas appreciated as well as where to buy the recommended parts. Thanks
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I have the exact problem i'll try and tune thanks hey ryan did you try did it work? thanks
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by Ryan Dec 29, 2005
I opened mine up, in the back, near the bottom, there are two dials, you can slightly increase the one for picture. I read this will reduce the life on your tube radically, but you picture will stop blinking.
I did this two weeks ago and picture is still stable, but it could go anytime. Regardless, the tube is going bad and I'm afraid a new tv is in your future, its not worth replacing the tube.
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by Ryan Dec 15, 2005
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