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Re: Re: SONY C:13:01 ERROR

Bandi Posted Nov 23, 2004, in response to:Robert Roque

My Sony DSC-F717 developed the dreaded C:13:01 memory stick error problem. I tried everything I thought was reasonable: on/off a few times, changed memory sticks, reformatted the first stick with a USB stick reader (the format function in the camera was blocked, reformatted another stick in another Sony camera, reinserted a memory stick several times into the drive (suggested in manual), reset the camera functions with the small button near the stick drive. Nothing worked! I avoided physically abusing the camera in fear of adding to the camera's problems. I read where someone in great frustration shook the camera and fixed it! Just before sending it away to be repaired, I thumped it in my palm. IT WORKED! I hesitate to suggest a hard knock, but a soft bump got my camera working again.


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    Re[3]: SONY C:13:01 ERROR

     Jennifer Posted Sep 05, 2009

    I have had my camera for many years now - had it repaired once and last week found that the memory sticks were working in the computer but not in the camera. I agree BANG and hit the sides etc into your palm HARD - I have done this a few times when getting mad at the camera, but never really realized that that is what got it going again - this time I tried everything - a few bangs PRESTO!!


    Hey, I have tried so many different approaches as to how to solve this error. I have a DSC-F707. I have 3 - 128mb memory sticks and 1 - 64mb memory stick, all Sony and all the sudden non of them were reading it would pop up the same error. I tried the ERASER, I tried messing with the little prongs inside the camara that touch the memory sticks, I tried inserting each memory stick rapidly for more than 10 times and nothing ever worked. My last resort was this post. BANG THE CRAP OUT OF YOUR CAMARA, in everywhich angle. The firt 5 blows didnt do it so I tried different areas to bang the camara and after like 10 times hitting it hard and softly with my palm it finally started reading ALL the memory sticks. I formatted them quickly just incase but I dont think that was the problem with my memory sticks. THANKS SOOOOOOOO MUCH FOR THIS POST. I strongly recommend banging your camara to and extent that you dont break it if all else fails. HUGO

    Comment 1, Last comment by Erwin Mar 10, 2009

    Hey, I have tried so many different approaches as to how to solve this error. I have a DSC-F707. I have 3 - 128mb memory sticks and 1 - 64mb memory stick, all Sony and all the sudden non of them were reading it would pop up the same error. I tried the ERASER, I tried messing with the little prongs inside the camara that touch the memory sticks, I tried inserting each memory stick rapidly for more than 10 times and nothing ever worked. My last resort was this post. BANG THE CRAP OUT OF YOUR CAMARA, in everywhich angle. The first 5 blows didnt do it so I tried different areas to bang the camara and after like 10 times hitting it hard and softly with my palm it finally started reading ALL the memory sticks. I formatted them quickly just incase but I dont think that was the problem with my memory sticks. THANKS SOOOOOOOO MUCH FOR THIS POST. I strongly recommend banging your camara to an extent that you dont break it if all else fails. HUGO

    Comment 1, Last comment by Gary Nov 28, 2008

    Re[3]: SONY C:13:01 ERROR

     Nermin Posted Oct 24, 2008

    I have DSC-H7. I tried everything, formating with FAT, Inserting, Nothing nothing nothing worked. I decided to bump as suggested here.... Miracle! After I bump crap out of my new camera it is working again. Thanks.


    Re[3]: SONY C:13:01 ERROR

     Bonnie Posted Jun 20, 2006

    I tried shaking my camera and hitting the side a little. It worked. I got rid of the memory card error. Thanks!

    Comment 1, Last comment by gail Jun 21, 2008

    Re[3]: SONY C:13:01 ERROR

     Robert Ct Posted Jan 29, 2008

    Just a note to inform you that I have had this problem twice - Once 2 years ago while it was still under guarantee (DSC-F717) - Sony said it had nothing wrong and that I should refrain from using other than their memory sticks... Anyway, this morning, it started again with the memory error - same dreaded message - ... I hesitated before banging it but decided to do it anyway - just a slight thumb on the lens cylinder - It WORKED!!! - Tried it will all my memory stick (even my newer Lexar 4 GIG stick!). Thanks again for the tip! Robert


    Re[3]: SONY C:13:01 ERROR

     Wynde Posted Jan 17, 2007

    You are wonderful!! After trying the eraser trick without success several times. I kept reading and found you "CURE ALL REMEDY" and don't know why I didn't try it sooner, (maybe that explains why at one time it started working again), but after thumping it against the heel of my hand it worked fine, on both of my memory sticks,(I had bought a new one in hopes that this would fix it). I can't thank you enough for this simple yet wonderful fix.


    Re[3]: SONY C:13:01 ERROR

     ANTHONY Posted Jan 02, 2007

    I too have the dsc-F717. I tried everything, the erasure, formating with FAT, formatting with the A:8192. Nothing worked. But the slight bump suggested here got it to working again. Thanks.



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