kv-32hs500 /won't turn on.the,red,stand-by light,blinks 7 times.if left unpluged over-night[sometimes longer]the !! TV WILL COME ON !! IF LEFT UNPLUGED FOR MONTH ,,TV WILL WORK FINE ,, FOR ABOUT A WEEK! .... SOUNDS LIKE A RELAY i also have an older sony trinitron that will have sound and no picture.,,,,,but hit the bottom of the stand[right under the tv]HARD a few times,and then turn on.when it tries to go out,keep hitting till it stays on.if the picture goes all black,you'll need to start over,[off,/hit,/on,/hit,hit,hit,/,,then leave on forever,/don't turn off,/turn sound down and turn to ch. with no singnal,so it look's like it is off. this is a true story. i did this for months,,,,, L.O.L..