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Re: E:61:00 Turn on and off the power again

Matthew Tribble Posted Jul 22, 2008, in response to:Raj

Thanks alot for this thread! I have a Sony H9 which is a year old now. This developed a "Turn power off and on again" error while on holiday at a beach. I thought sand had got in the gear wheels of the lens. The lens got stuck in the out position and at turn on I could feel it try 3 times to operate the lens before giving up with that message. I was about to get the screw drivers out to strip it down when I read this thread. I tried bashing around a bit and shaking it, but still nothing. Tried dropping it on the side with the nightshot switch from one foot onto carpet. Still nothing. Tried Two feet. Success! It zoomed in and out once then locked up again. Another Two foot drop. Hurrah! All OK now. Thanks again, Matt.


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