Re[3]: sony kp53hs10 - green HD picture
Alex Posted Nov 07, 2007, in response to:Dave P
Hi Dave,
I have a similar TV problem like the one you described only my TV screen comes up pink/purple/deep red. I cannot get a picture however. I am interested in how you were able to access the menu setting to make the video5 control change.
Appreciating your reply.
1 comment
Its been a while, but if memory serves, the menu I used was accessed just by the menu button and then scrolling the onscreen menus using the remote control. Judging by your other post, it seems you aren't seeing any picture at all. How about the onscreen menus? If you can't see them, then you have a far more serious problem than a connection/setup issue.
Your other post mentioned flashing LED - I think that represents an error code. Hopefully someone can translate it for you.
Good luck to you.
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by Alex Nov 08, 2007