This is an add-on to my above reply simply stated with year/model/serial#. Further info: When turning power on, the standby red light would flash continuously, the tv picture would appear then flutter, go to half screen then disappear entirely with sound only. Am trashing the tv because of age and cost to repair, as a gift to my elderly parent, I have a spare tv in the house ready to hook up for him.
I was already familiar with this problem having happened to my sony 27" Wega which was only 9 months old. I repaired it because it was so new. I placed the purchase on a credit card which doubled the warranty, the parts warranty still standing, I recouped $165 of the $225 it took to repair it, and this was some years ago! I have a rule of thumb in my house, if any appliance is close to ten years old and goes on the fritz, I replace it.
As this happened to two individuals in the same family,(my brother-in-law) stills owns a newer model 1998 and it's still working. Only time will tell. Shame on Sony. Beautiful pictures but the standby mode to power the tv on is a bad feature! They need to redesign. Won't buy a Sony next time either!