Hey Joey,
Just wanted to let you know your pictures and tips did the trick. My JVC AV-32750 is working again. I admit it took me two attempts as I must of created some kind of short circut the first time (bad sodering) lots of smoke and popping. But the second round I did a much better job and it works fine. I guess it goes to show if I can do it anyone can.
Thanks again
I'm also having that problem on my set, could I also get thosa pictures your talking about? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Fred
I have the problem, and after reading your post thought I had an easy fix. I went through three capacitators and still don't have it working. I have opened and closed the case over six times, and I am loosing faith in that I may be able to fix this myself...fortunately the TV still clicks and it has not blown up. I think I might have to find a repairman and loose out on the $1.59 fix you all have had the success in replacing.
Not sure what I am doing wrong. Is there a certain way the capacitator goes in the spot..which way does the black stripe go, to the left or right when looking at i?...is there a positive or a negative?
That is awesome! Hopefully we can continue to help others lol.
Thanks Dave for the update