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HomeAny advice on problem I have a sony KP51hw40 Rear-projection TV. A spark was heard and picture distorted for a split second and red thin lines show across the screen and then the screen stays red. Opened back and when the tv was turned on the red lamp turns on followed by the blue and green then the blue and green lights fade & turn off. Any Idea what it is? Thanks
I had the same problem and sloved it two years ago. email me at and i will tell you how to fix it. Jim I have a similar problem with my television set. I have tried the sony help desk but have no luck. I am out of warranty. I am currently browsing the web in oreder to find some answers. If you have managed to repair your set, I will be very grateful for any feedback you can give me. Many Thanks Truely frustrated Raj Hi My sony KP-51w40 shuts itself off after watching it for a while. i can turn it back on but it shuts itself off again a short time later. I but a fan by the tv and it is working but time will tell. Email me back let me know what think. Thanks Jim I have had the same model sony tv for about 5 years now and I have a series of green bent lines running across the screen. Also have a red edge on things. I've tried the auto lens adjust button but its doesn't seem to help. What should I do? Thanks I've had this TV for 4.5 years. Good picture when there's no problems. Had in if for service just after the warranty ended, blue lines, for some type of High Voltage component and Kronis (spelling?)$725. This time, 1.5 years later, red blinks and the tv will shut itself off to stand-by. Turn it back on and it's ok for a while until in goes red again, may be 5 minutes or 5 days. $900 this time, I have two of three tubes going bad that normally don't go bad for about 10 years. The service rep states this is defective parts, but Sony refuses to step up. The repair bill for 4.5 years is more than it cost me new! The Rep agrees that I should not have to pay for this and that if Sony does not step up then he recommeded that I not fix it but buy another TV. I have a sony tv that does the same. You said that the red lamp was bad, when the color was turning red? Thanks for the help, Sam I REEMPLACED RED CTR, RED IS OUT OF CONVERGENCE. I THINK, I HAVE TO DO ELECTRICAL CONVERGENCE, BUT DON'T HAVE INFORMATION HOW TO DO IT |