The notorious lens cap problem was caused by defective image sensors having been fitted to a large range of models world wide, your model being on the list of having the potential to develop the problem.
A free repair has been on offer for nearly three years but this expired at the end of June 2009, however its known that JVC will still under certain circumstances carry out the repair so contact customer services appropriate to wherever you might be located.
As your model ends with a "U" this can either be the US or Canada and so undermentioned is the phone numbers appropriate to both countries. (or was anyway)
USA models - camcorders with US suffix.
JVC US (800) 858-6442 (this line may be busy at times)
Canadian models - U
Note! Owners of Canadian distribution models will have to contact JVC
customer services by phone, as the Canadian wing of JVC does not
openly have anything about the "free" repair offer on the web page.
The phone contact number : 1 - 800 - 964 - 2650.
Head office: 21 Finchdene Square, Scarborough, Ontario. M1X 1A7
(416) - 293 - 1311