Found a fix for c13:01 error that you may not have thought of.
Sony 707 was flashing c13:01 error and I could not stop it.
I read the articles here but I did not want to reformat the stick as I did not want to lose the pictures.
I thought about it for a while.
I was so frustrated, and seriously stressed that I may have lost the pictures on the stick.
After fiddling with it.
I put it down, and thought, why not try the stick in my sony 828.
Where I had used it before.
I inserted the stick into the 828, had the camera hooked up to the computer and turned it on.
OMGosh it worked. Thank God.
I downloaded all my pictures from the stick to the computer, but I did not delete them from stick.
I then inserted the stick back into the 707 and OMGosh it was fine again.
I am so jazzed.
The 707 did not flash c13:01 again
Whee hoo!!!!