The reason for the problem is that the TV broadcast standard used in the Netherlands is not the same as in the UK, as the audio offset in the Netherlands is 6Mhz, whereas in the UK its 5.5Mhz, this meaning that the sound and picture cannot be captured at the same time.
You dont really have any option except to use a set top box with the TV, which effectively acts purely as a monitor, the set top box by the way being connected to the TV via scart or phono sockets and not an RF connection, as if you bought a box where you are located and used its RF aerial connection, (should it have one) you would still have the problem.
This would also apply to a locally purchased VCR or whatever, and the main point of all this being only to use scart or phono connections into the TV.
(UK TV broadcast system is (I) in the Netherlands its (B/G)