Thanx for helping me feel asured that this failure easily could be fixed at home. I tried your way to fix the camera, to press the objektive while it was extending and to drop it to the floor several of times... this did not work.
So for you that have tried this, but not succeed... there´s hope...
1. Open the camera by .."unscrewing" the small screws... hehe, excuse the language, i´m swedish...
2. Carefully pull the cover away from the inside part. You cannot take the front cover away totally, cause it is connected with the inside part with a wire... It´s the front side that is interesting though....
3. Close to the objective (the round part) the is a little bow-shaped cover, whit two screws... Unscrew them and take the cover of... Inside you will find a bunch of very small geerwheels... Here is where the problem is... Try to spinn them gently, and blow and poke them a little... Then put the power on on the camera, and you will se them work there asses of... if they are all spinning, and the objektive is behaving normal again, the problem is solved... otherwise, try to help they function by poke them a little again, spinn them and push on the lens again..
4. put the camera back to one piece... and voila!!! it´s working!!!!
I hope this will work for you, it did for me... But be carefull so you don´t loose any parts...
Cheers from Jenny, Västerås, Sweden.