I'm so glad that I found this message board--I had no idea that so many people had the same white screen problem as I do! I sent the camera to Sony and it was repaired under warranty and sent back. Now the year-long warranty is up and I have experienced the white screen problem AGAIN, even after I sent it in to be fixed. I'm pretty annoyed with Sony. This white screen problem happened at the most inopportune time--at the hospital when my first daughter was born. That was the whole reason why we bought the camera in the first place--to take pictures of her from birth onward. That was the first time the screen went white and I didn't realize that you could still take pictures, just not use the LCD. I was DEVASTATED. Here was a moment that would never happen again and our camera was not working properly. Thankfully my dad brought his camera to the hospital and we have pictures, but what a huge disappointment in that Sony camera! One thing is for sure, I will never buy a Sony camera again. However, thank you so much for the quick-fix advice. When that nasty white screen shows up again--as it inevitably will--I will know what to do about it.