I had bought a sony TV9 kv ??????. sorry don't remember the modle #.
Within the first 6 months The picture went black and was told by an independent service man (not sony/not sears )that the picture tube was gone.
we bought another sony trinitron wega (KV 27V36)-which the on/off power button was gone. Sent it for repairs (sears). This took over 2 months to bring the tv back. However (although they deny it) they dropped the tv and the front and case was cracked. Now the picture is a bit green/blue on the sides and there's a hum in it-which the service man could not see nor hear.
I complained so badddddd to sears and sony called head office for sears and got a replacement tv. (KV 27FV17)
Now with all that said , the tv is about 6 years old and just recently has a black picture again!!!! and great sound.
This has been 3 sony's since 1998.like the tv's don't last at all.
I'm looking for some help to repair it, or I'm tossing it out, I'm not going through any more crap with the sony tvs.
thankyou for letting me vent FR: frustrated
1 comment
I have a similar problem with my Sony KV 35545, Yr.-1999. Picture blacks out, sound does not change. Turn off the TV for a minute, turn it back on, the picture is OK for hour or so, blacks out again. It has been this way for several years. Now it seems to be getting shorter and shorter periods of time before the picture goes black.
Is the same as your problem? Any ideas, anyone?
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by John Aug 17, 2009