Re[5]: JVC av-27920
Eric Posted Jan 16, 2006, in response to:Robert
Robert, I sent you the Data Sheet for the LA7832. Don't like the low voltage on the Pump Up Pin 7. I know you checked and replaced any suspect caps. Did you actually replace C424 (100uF 35V)? If not I would do it. IMO something is loading down Pin 7. I assume you're working from Sams 4080. Notice that Pin 7 also feeds to Base of Q702 feeding to Micro. Maybe Q702 has a problem? Did you scope the input and output of the Vertical Out IC? If you don't have a scope use a good quality DVM. If you do use a scope of course use an isolation transformer.
How about C402 feeding vertical ramp signal back to IC201 pin 24. Also notice Yoke Return feeds to Micro Pin 3. I don't remember your original post. Have you replaced the Vertical Out IC? Hang in there. Take your time and be patient. If you need the Sams, let me know.
Good Luck,
1 comment
Yup checked that those to.Q702 4.78 volts,.1. At pin 2 4.5v. R708 both sides shows 4.78v. Pin 24 shows 2.12v. I have replaced two vertical ics
LA7832 just incase one was bad.Replaced c424 twice incase.From Q702 to pin 7
on la7832 .1.I agree with you the problem seems to be pin 7 of the vertical ic,
I do not have the 1.6v I should have but where to go from here I think is a little above my head.Just to make sure I am reading the schematics correctly,
the 1.6v is to come out of pin 7.If that is the case there is something wrong there.If the 1.6v is to come to pin 7 there may be a problem in the line that my meter is not capable of detecting.I will wait to hear from you,and thanks again. Rob
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by Robert Jan 17, 2006