Hi just found your website using the ask jeeves search engine ( UK )
Please can you help with the error code E:61:00 This is on a Sony cybershot Model No DSC-S50
Many thanks Gavin M
Flashing on screen. Camera will not focus, blurry image on LCD - Lens will attempt to close on power down but will not. Makes noise and that's it.
Please advise if camera has no hope or there is a reset fix.
Comments 6, Last comment
by Knytewyng Apr 27, 2009
I have a CyberShot DSC-P30. Had the same error code and no Focus. turned it on, wrapped it 3 times hard in the palm of my hand and it shut off. When I turned it back on it was opperating normally. Thanks Friends I guesss i'll be keeping this camera for another decade or so.
hi, i have this error W:61:00 in my digital camara (sony dsc-w1) you can help me??? please!!!
i´m from to argentinaaa.
please write me