I just replaced the CCD base aasembly on my JVC GR-D90U, to fix the "Lens Cap Error". The part # for the CCD is LYH30446-001A-S, about $58 regular UPS from partstore.com. The job is not for the faint of heart and requires VERY good soldering skills. So far the camera is working normally just like it always has.
I never pointed my camera into the sun. The camera quit working after being left in hot car for about 2 hours. I know this was the cause, because I have a habit of recording with the camera before I leave the house,although it was no damn help this time.
As a point of interest, the CCD is mounted to a heat sink with epoxy. I popped the CCD off of the heat sink, and guess what, it is made by SONY!! The part # on the back of the CCD is
Googling these numbers turned up nothing.