Re[3]: error code H02 - Panasonic DVD-RV21 player
Wendy Posted Aug 31, 2005, in response to:Chris
I also have an error code H02,
Does anyone have a solution to this problem.
Please help.
I tried removing all the screws from the back and be carefull of the wires and just remove and put back the optical drive and see if it spin and it worked fine.
I guess i got lucky. You should also try reinizializing the unit by removing the dvd the press back, pause, play at the same time for 4 sec until you see inizialize.
I had Panasonic DVD-LS50 portable DVD player. After play some DVDs, it suddenly shows code H02 error. I tried several way could not make it work. Finally, my 9 years old son figured it out. Guess what he does? He just blows the DVD lens, and it worked! He has been using his "magic blow technique" every where when things does not going right, Nintendo SP, Nintendo game cube, CD player... and the amazing thing was it work most time!
I think a lot case it just dust cause lens or electical connection problem, so you may try it also. Good luck.
Seems like all the players have decided to do the same thing -- i also have the same error code on my panasonic player. if you do geht the solution to the problem would appreciate if you could help out as i will do the same
thnkz and hope to resolve this soon