I have bought the XL2 recently, but I am not sutsfied by its so called features. It's pictures are not as crispy as its manual says - in fact they are noisy. And at 25p panning shots are not smooth. I guess I prefer the XL1, unless somebody says I'm making mistakes. I've been using XL1 for 4 years and shot over 8 good movies.
I just got a gl2, ever since I got it ive been making movies almost nonstop. I have been editing on Ulead VideoStudio 7 SE Basic.Its acceptable for editing basic stuff, but other than that it stinks. For example there is no fade in or out transition. I am saving money up fora mini Mac,and i need someones advice, Is it worth it to buy the mini mac and use final cut or just keep my Dell, if u think i should keep my dell what is a better editing software?
thank you
Comments 3, Last comment
by PB Dec 03, 2005
I agree makonen, the picture quality is simly better all round on XL1 & XL1s. The white balance was leaning to too red on the XL1 but this was fixed well on the s model. PC
Comment 1, Last comment
by Makonnen Woldeab Aug 02, 2005