Are you trying to charge a JVC battery or an aftermarket battery? Will the product operate via the DC cord? If the battery light flashes really fast and not in a slow, smooth could be the camcorder. BUT..if the battery is aftermarket or over 1 to 1 1/2 years old, the battery could be the problem and not allowing a charge to take place from the camcorder. If you have a second battery to try, then do that. If you do not, you may see of a local shop can test your batteries for you or see if a JVC Factory Center will do a preliminary test on your charge function utilizig your accessories. See if you can send them the camcorder/batteries and AC adapter/charger to verify the source of the problem. IF the battery is bad, you can get a new one. If the camcorder is the problem, they can check the charging fuses. If the AC Adapter/Charger is bad, then replace that.