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HomeJVC Repair I have a JVC GR-DVL120 Digital Video Camera and it isn’t able to accept a tape and close. We sent it to a JVC repair facility and they said it would need a whole new mechanism and estimated the cost at $400 to repair. The camera didn’t cost too much more than that, but before throwing it away I was wondering the following: Do you think it could be repaired for less based on their description of the problem? I’d rather get it fixed than buying a new one. Is this a good camera or should I be thinking of a better one in terms of reliability? Is there a “great” brand I should be considering? Would you have any Digital Video cameras you’ve repaired and want to sell? Sorry for all the questions, but I hate to throw away a camera we’ve only had a couple of years without checking things out. And, if you think it’d too expensive to repair, I sure could use your expert advice on a future direction! Thanks in advance! Mike Mitsch
I have a JVC GR-D270US it is a piece of junk I bought it at Best Buy on May 28th 2005 it has a 90 day warrenty on labor and 12 months on parts 30 days after I bought it the lcd view finder stoped working the only way I could view what I was filming was to look thru the small view finder. I have tried to contact JVC numous times and get some info on sending it in and getting it serviced but I only get a bunch of options that do not fit what I am trying to do. when I choose an option it just sends me back to the start and it repeats everything I have already heard. It will be the last JVC product I ever buy. I would like to get it fixed but how and who ??????? genlemen at JVC tech service repair I bought a new jvc DIGITAL CAMPERA at the Best Buy store in jackson Tenn. on 28 march 05 did not open box until next day while on a bus trip to texas. When I proceeded to operate the unit the media card works fine, but the video picture and sound are muddles, blurred and very badly distorted. I took it to Best Buy, and they sent it to JVC for repair in April 05 But it was returned to me unpreapird about two weeks later, with a note saying they would not repair it since there was no serial # on the plate on the bottom. I never noticed the lack of a serial # and it was new when I took it out of the box. Best BUy put a serial # at random, but they would ot accept this or repair it. This is VERY STRANGE - TO SELL A NEW DIGITAL CAMERA WITHOUT A SERIAL # I will look on the box but od not think there is one there either Best Buy said they could do nothing about this, and it was the responsibility of JVC. So I am contacting you asking that JVC be contacted and straghten out this matter. Their quality control seems to have diminished. I have the paper work sales ticket, corresondence with Best Buy, reason for not fixing, etc. It is really odd that a new camera would be sold without a serial # I have tried to contact JVC by phone 1 800 252 5772 and never get a person I tried sending an e mail with the address givn on the web site but it came back saying incorrect this was the one given on the phone I tried writing the email description of the probem by typing the data and clicking "submit" but it would not send without a serial # Over the years I have bouught and still use many pieces of JVC equipment. Last Xmas we bought a 32" jvc tv and it is fine. My old JVC video still works also, so I had good luck with jVC products in the apst. the camera was bought new, by me, in box, not stolen as it might seem, and sadly of course I assumed that being new, it was ok. Please see what can be done. I would ask that it be repaired or replaced And I reported this to Best Buy and it was sent to tech service for repair before the warranty ran out of course thank you Please replay quickly and act on this. Below is the cost of a new mech from jvc. Now, having someone install it and do the alignments for you is a different problem. That may be why your bill was going to be around 400.00. Let me know if you need a quality repair. Chris Part Number Inquiry Part Number: YMA0025VCC/E Description: MECHA(A) ASSY Unit Price: $188.05 I have the same model -- with 2 years of very light use, it's still in good shape, but I've wondered about the load mechanism -- it sounds like 100 moving parts when it opens and closes. On the question of what's best, I'm unable to help, but I do have this hint: post your broken camcorder on eBay for sale. I'm amazed at the prices people pay for broken electronic gear. I wouln't be surprised if you got $50-100 for your old camcorder, that you can put toward a new one on eBay or -- good comparison shopping and also opinions on many different camcorders. Hope that helps, Mike |