JVC camrecorder connection to laptop using USB port.
Dear Sir,
I recently bought one GR-D270 camrecorder. It has SD RAM slot, however I have not gone for the same as yet.
I shoot small portion of video.
I can see it by replaying the tape as well as connecting to television set.
The camrecorder also has USB port.
Now I connect the same to my Laptop.
Laptop does not detect the camrecorder on USB port, however it detects everything from Digital Camera JVC make, USB memory sticks, ADSL modem, active keys etc.
Does Camrecorder has special USB driver for camrecorder?
If yes, where can I find it? It has not come with camrecorder. I am running Windows 2000 Professional.
Also I read about some firewire card. Is it necessary in this case? If it is, why JVC has given USB?
Can you please help me in this regards?
Thanks and Best Regards.
Mahesh R. Gune