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Home | First message in thread | Previous messageFor those of you, like myself suffering the neverending problems with your JVC Mini-DV's, I believe I may have solved one problem and possibly more. I was having chronic problems with the Condensation and Clean Head errors. JVC was no, and I mean NO help. This is for those that are at the end of their ropes. I removed every single tiny little screw on the exterior case. All the screws on the inside of the viewer abd also there is one inside the S-Video flap if yours comes equipped. There is also a screw on the top on the piece in front of the eye viewer. Carefully, and I mean carefully, seperate the pieces. Inside there are a few connectors that connect the two halves. The one closest to the rear (thumb switch), if unplugged will do a "hard reset". Leave unplugged for about 5 minutes (atleast that is how long I left it unplugged). It has been good for a couple days now. You will have to reset time and date and settings but, this has, atleast for the time being solved both of my problems. And they were problems that popped up everytime I turned on the camera. It progressively has gotten worse over the last few months. I havent been able to use it at all since 3 minutes before the birth of my son 3 weeks ago. I actually thought I might get to video the birth but because of JVC's lack of engineering ability and total disregard for the consumers who buy their products, I had to be satisfied with still pictures. GRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!! My camera is a JVC GRD-90u.
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Got any pictures of this procedure? anyone? My GR-D30 had developed a cronic case of the condensation problem. After dismantling the camera and removing the mosure sensor (and the motor its mounted on) I had found that the "sensor" material had worn away. (not sure how) so now the sensor mesures open. I found if you strap a 10k Ohm resistor accross the sensor the camera began to function again. This more than likely total disables that sensor but the camera works vs getting dumped in the trash. Hopefully I can get a few more years out of it. Later Peter I followed the advice below about the 11 screws and it worked like a charm. Not too difficult at all. Great advice and very well laid out. Thanks Thanks for takinthe time out to post this solution. It definitely works - I tried it last night as I was at my wit's end. It's not for the faint-hearted though. When the camera actually comes apart, you do get a kind of 'Oh my God, how am I ever going to reassemble this?!?!' moment. Yes! Thank you so much! This works like a charm. The only advise I would give is that when he says remove all the screws on the outside, he means ALL the screws. Unless they are screws for the lense or the two that hold the tape door together, take them out. Thanks again. Hey, you da man. I got a GRD90 and had that con. problem, took it apart and its all good now. Thanks, saved me some dough. I have been waiting for an idea like this for over a year now! Thanks so much! It works! JVC is just being stupid! Nothing is wrong with the camera. I had the condensation show up for the past 7 months and I have not been able to use it! I did what he said to do and its fixed! Had to be careful, it does work! Arg with JVC! It work for me too! I have open the camera in half and disconnect all wires. After that I have use my camera a couple of time without problem. Since that, I have buy JVC PRO tape and I remove it after all utilisation I also remove the battery. Some persons says that this type of camera does'nt like other brand tape. Hope this can help. I had the same Condensation problem with my JVC Camcorder. It usually clears up if I squirt the interior of the cassette compartment with one of those Canned Air bottles you use to clean out your computer and keyboard with. I usually spray for about 30 seconds. The screw thing sounds good, but those things are PRETTY damn SMALL, and god help you if you lose even one, probably. |