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Home | First message in thread | Previous messageI don't know where to buy the gears, but I may be able to help you out. Did you see worn out gears yourself, or is this just what they told you is wrong? I have repaired several of the CD1000 cameras myself, and it has never been a matter of worn out gears, but rather a small metal arm that gets bent and no longer drives the laser back and forth correctly. Rather than fix this metal arm, most places would rather replace the assembly, which is when it gets expensive. Feel free to email me if you'd like to have me repair yours. Most of the time, it only costs $50 US, plus shipping
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i bought a new stick and i'm still getting the same message, what do I do? I have the cd300 and wonder if you fix these cameras also? I have had the camera since 2001 and it is now giving me the error code of 13:01 and cannot read or format the mini cd's that I put in it. I have bought a spindle of 100 cd's figuring that the cd's that I had were just bad and that was the reason that I got that error but it was not. The Cd spins so I know that teh motor that spins it is working but I am feeling that the lens is the problem. I can hear it trying to move or moving but it just keeps on doing the same noise over and over. I am located in Tennessee and like this camera and I am hoping that you can help out. I know that this was posted in 2005 and it is now 3 years later so I am hoping that you are able to see and read this. Have you found out any new information or websites since this posting? Thank you for any help and information I have a sony Mavica CD400 which will not initialize my CD, keeps giving error code c13:01.... Can you help? Is there anyone in the southeast that can fix this metal arm? I have this problem and can't get to the arm or i would fix it myself. Sounds like you are the CD-1000 guardian angel. I would like any info or help you can offer. Sony may not think $1000 is a lot of money, but when you spend that much, you expect it to get a return on your investment. One [1] dollar a day [$1000 divided by 1000 days, which is how long I have owned it] for just owning it (not using it) just doesn't sound like I made a deal at all. Retailed for $1300, but I only paid $999. It kind of reminds me, of the time when I went into a prominent Pacific Northwest retailer for some 6 volt batteries, and told the clerk that the batteries had exceeded their expiration date. I, then asked, if he had any new ones in the back. His reply was, "No!" "But I will let you have those in your hand for 1/2 price." For some strange reason [to the clerk], I said, "No". I know, why would anyone pass up a deal like that. I must be slipping. To tell the truth, I was still thinking about my Mavica not working. Again, if you can help, I would be grateful. Respectfully, Tom Fedder Please let me know where you are located. I have a camera in need of repair. Bill White 281 733-4224 (Houston) Hello, I have a later model Sony CD camera with this error,a CD300. Have you had sucess with this camera when this error comes up? If so,my camera is very fresh looking and needs looking at. What is the adverage cost? Jim Sarah, I have a Mavica MVC cd 1000 with the c 1301 error. I would like a little more information on how you can repair it, where to send it ? Do you own a camera repair shop ? Thanks! Mike Paladino I can no longer initialze my disks on the CD-1000. It suddenly stopped taking pictures and when I tried to finalize there was disk error. Now any new disk I put in it will not initialize. It starts to gets halfway and then give me disk error. Any suggestions? Hi Sarah. If I cant fix my MVC F95 who has the same error I will try your service. But you know what? It only happens on my floppy disc using the memory stick with the floppy disc adaptor it does work on the regular 2HD floppy disc. I dont understand...can you explain the mechanics? ..if you dont mind. Thank you. Lorna |