Re: Re: Re: SONY C:13:01 ERROR
Sarah Posted Dec 18, 2004, in response to:piclucia
I don't know where to buy the gears, but I may be able to help you out. Did you see worn out gears yourself, or is this just what they told you is wrong? I have repaired several of the CD1000 cameras myself, and it has never been a matter of worn out gears, but rather a small metal arm that gets bent and no longer drives the laser back and forth correctly. Rather than fix this metal arm, most places would rather replace the assembly, which is when it gets expensive. Feel free to email me if you'd like to have me repair yours. Most of the time, it only costs $50 US, plus shipping
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could you send me information on the fix PLEASE.
Comment 1, Last comment
by Sarah Jun 07, 2005
Kelly Posted Jan 02, 2005
Please help....I love this camera, I accidentally dropped it, and now it shows the c:12 error.....I have tried all the tips listed in this forum....if you have any other suggestions, please let me know....kellyrtaylor@yahoo.com
Kelly Posted Jan 02, 2005
I accidentally dropped my camera!!.....the C:13 Error comes up after making an awful clicking noise....I love this camera and want any help that is available. I have tried reformating the disk, and all the other tips....please help if you can...kellyrtaylor@yahoo.com
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