Well, I had actually been looking to buy (to back up my current system), but having moved into Pro Tools instead, I will have some Foundation stuff to sell. Specifically:
1) One functioning Foundation 2000RE (main unit and controller).
2)One Foundation 2000RE with a failed JB Board (clock failure)but operating controller.
3)One spare (unused) keyboard for controller.
4)Two spare (unused) power supplies
5)Two Seagate 36gig hard drives in Fostex R\"RPE" carriers
6)Three spare (unused) Seagate 36gig hard drives
7)One Rorke Data rack with three Seagate 9gig hard drives in carriers and one Hewlett Packard DDS-2 tape drive in carrier
8)One spare Hewlett Packard DDS-2 tape drive in carrier
I am presently using the system to recover material from archive and transfer it to my Pro Tools system. This should take another week or two, at which time the equipment will be available.
Having visited your website, I gather that you're in NYC. I'm not too far away, in Greenwich, CT. The stuff's here for you to look at and shipping won't be a problem (you can pick it up).
Best regards,
Rob Edward