Hi Juan
I have the same problem & would be grateful if you could let me know what you have tried & if it has worked
cheers Steve
Try this... this has been useful for me two times... it's a little weird... but... works... beleive me...
1.- unload the camera... no batteries.. no tapes.. ok?
2.- with your hand ( 2 or 3 fingers...)hit the bottom side of the camera ( several times )... there is a sensor causing this error..
3.- try to operate the camera.. it's true !!.. it's worked to me 2 times...
write me back if succeed !!
!!! sorry for my english !!!
Comments 7, Last comment
by Dorothy Yeomans Aug 16, 2008
Craig Posted Jan 14, 2005
I was geting JVC error E03, decided to try the empty, upsidedown whack. Repeatedly whacked with satisfaction, and....IT WORKED!!! Thanks for the tip, now I can get my tapes copied to DVD ASAP.