Trouble with a Sony Trinitron Model KV-32S20
Anthony Posted Nov 30, 2003, in response to:Chris Kelly
Same thing, I get the blinking light but NO picture. All the sound is there, the screen just went blank. I t has been working fine up till now.
leave the TV on...........unplug it with the power on.
let it sit for 5 mins.
unplug all audio/video rca jacks,and cable source. and first 3 screws
un plug tv stand strap.
Take the back off (6 more screws)
Look for the little metal box at the end closest to you on the circuit board that plugs into the front buttons.
On the back of the box there is 2 screws vertically from each other
they should be covered with dust pretty bad.
wipe the dust from around the screws.
wouldnt hurt to clean it up a bit but dont get carried away just blow the dust off that you can with your mouth and wipe the dust off the base.
The bottom screw should say picture.
let all the dust settle,hell take a well deserved break!
now plug The tv in again. re-attach cable.
Turn it on and give it 5 mins to warm up.
slowly turn the bottom (picture) screw to the right verrry slowly and you should see the picture come back.
now turn it down slowly untill the picture drops again.
bring it just back up again and give it just a little extra.
but not too much as it will wear the crt faster.
youll see............
now pull the cord out of the wall again.
plug in.
watch for 1 min.
now turn off again.
while its off press on the remote
---channel button-----5-------volume down-----Power--
then after it comes on ----8--------enter.
Hope this helped.
Comments 10, Last comment
by Greg Oct 17, 2010
I have the same problem. The standby light is blinking but no image (blank). Sound is still there. If any one knows a solution to it, please help. Thanks.
Comments 2, Last comment
by sergio Aguirre Nov 13, 2009
our kv35v65 has been doing this for a while. 6 mos before the warrentee was up we took it in to the shop to be looked at but they said they couldn't make it fail I think that they was lieing. We brought it home and it has worked for a year now its doing it again its 6 yrs old.
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by Gary Mar 18, 2009