Its pleasing to see someone has noticed this and pointed it out, because if all people seeking help on this problem had followed the advice given (approx every month) in "numerous" postings over the last few years on how to request assistance, being, ONLY make a request by clicking on "POST NEW MESSAGE" seen in blue print at the top of every page then they would all have been guaranteed to have received assistance as this is the only way their request can be seen in the new daily listings.
The problem is purely caused by people seeing a posting made by someone else with the same problem as themselves then just adding their own particular problem to the other persons posting by clicking "reply", this creating the situation where their request is effectively "hidden" inside the date of the original persons heading which is likewise ignored as it appears as out of date.
The above can easily be proven by any person who has made a recent posting for advice and NOT having made it using the method advised, as should they later decide to have a look at their posting they will soon find that its not by any means an easy task to find it, that is unless they noted what the date was of the posting they added to! because if they didn't then they might need to plough through dozens of other postings before finding it, these postings of course made by others who have made the same mistake as themselves.