When I cut on my TV it would not come on. Instead the blue light was blinking and after a while I heard a ticking/clicking sound
I contact JVC and was told to first make sure your cable box or whatever you use to normally watch TV is powered on and is ready to work
He told me to unplug TV for 10 seconds at least. Then he had me press and hold down the "MENU and VOLUME DOWN (-)" buttons, at the same time for about 10 seconds. Then after 10 seconds of holding the 2 buttons down, he had me continue to hold the 2 buttons and press and let go of the power button. In other words after 10 seconds of holding down the volume down (-) and menu buttons, add the third button (power) and immediately let go of all 3 buttons, at the same time.
It worked for me instantlynd hopefully it works for you!!!