My GR-D72U safeguard mode
becky Posted Jan 04, 2010
Error code E04 safeguard mode, can't get it working!
Hi, I have a jvc GR-D72U mini dv camera, and it keeps going into safegaurd mode. I was recording a bands practice session when all of the sudden it went into safeguard mode and I haven't been able to get it back in working condition since. The spot where you put the tape will come out and open and close and go down so long as there is no tape inside it. Once the tape is inserted it will not go back down into the camera, unless I put the tape in and close it quickly, or close the door as far as possible and then open it to make the tape holder open with the tape inside it, and then close it as soon as it opens, THEN it will go down but the error code still pops up "unit in safeguard mode error code E04 Re-insert tape" When it doesn't go down with the tape inside of it I can hear clicking as though it is trying to pull it down but failing. I tried to clean the inside parts as best I can without taking it apart and I don't know what else to do! Thanks for your help.
1 comment
Well false E-04 codes can of course sometimes show up on other "D" and three digit models but not really on your model, and E-04 on these ranges is usually associated with a problem in the tape drum or the ribbon connections to it.
A possible reason for this happening is that the sensor that detects a tape
is installed has maybe gone faulty, or that the ribbon connection to it is defective as this could cause your symptoms, the sensor by the way being mounted on a small pillar situated half way between the two tape spindles but biased towards the cassette opening flap, you can detect it by a small orangey/ brown ribbon cable running from its base ("if" I remember correctly!) should you see the cable try moving it slightly with your finger tip in case its not seated correctly.
Just out of interest, as this problem only seems to happen when you install a tape I assume you have found this fault occurring with more than one of them?
A final long shot, if you get it to start the loading procedure whilst its doing it hold the rewind button and see what the result is, does it instantly start rewinding? (or forwarding)