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Re: SONY C:13:01 ERROR

Jozef Posted Sep 04, 2009, in response to:anonymous

Ahoj ja som mal rovnaký problém C:13:01ERROR no už som ho odstránil. Na karte sú vymazané subory ktoré kážu fotoaparátu kde to má uložiť.Ja som skopiroval s inej karty na tú moju pôvodnú, a už mi ide OK.Skúste to a uvidíte že to pôjde.


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    Re[2]: SONY C:13:01 ERROR

     Dee Posted Sep 18, 2009

    I can't view any photos and my computer doesn't recognize my memory stick pro at all? It was a brand new card! I just got back from vacation and during that time took a new 4GB sony memory stick with me. It worked well till the 3rd day. I took about 150 photos and when the error popped up I couldn't view them. I was hoping that when I connect it to my PC it will work, but it didn't. My camera is fine, I tried other cards and it worked. It is just this card and I would like any advice on retrieving pictures. I bought a card reader yesterday and installed 4 programs to recover pictures, and none of them worked! Please help! Those pictures are my memories of vacation.

    Comment 1, Last comment by Helen Browne Sep 04, 2010


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