want software for transferring videos from my sony handycam digital 8 to my pc
neelam singh Posted Jul 19, 2009
I hv a sony handycam digital 8, its been 4 years i bought it, but i dnt knw how can i transffer the videos from cam to my pc. i hav no software for dis, can u pls help me out
Obviously a problem caused by partial pasting of pre-composed text!
To be quite honest about it, in most cases when dealing with "standard" video
it much easier to transfer the video onto a DVD recorder (even cheap types)
using the DVD recorders AV input sockets, as you can select the known quality of
burn you want.
Always select the second best record quality on the DVD, as when transferring video from normal camcorders the difference between first and second is just not noticeable, although in many instances if the video is known to run less than one hour (before editing) you could choose to use the max quality burn to keep pristine video quality, albeit of course that any difference that "might" be noticed over the standard two hour burn is very likely to be of a psychological nature, as any differences that would exist is guaranteed to be of an absolutely fractional nature.
Needless to say once the DVD is made you then play it on the PC to import it into some video manipulation programme for editing, the task now being made much easier as the DVD recorder has already reduced the massive file sizes that you can get if taken straight from the camcorder.
The purists might try to maintain that using the camcorders A/V connections
takes away from the so called perfect digital copying, however the end result
of using a DVD recorder transfer will have very little difference (if any!) to what would have been achieved using pure digital transfer, and in many cases exceeds it as a pure digital transfer is not always as perfect as some would imagine due to domestic DVD recorders usually having more acceptable video compression techniques than whats experienced when using some types of video manipulation software.