Re[3]: JVC Camcorders
Rob Posted Jun 14, 2009, in response to:JB38
HAve all the necessarz cable and software on both XP and Vista, but when trzing to transfer the video from the GR D20 and GR D239 Camcorders both XP and Vista crash. XP restarts the PC and Vista gives the Blue Screen. Selecting other programs both Computers jsut freeze. Drivers are installed programs installed, but nothing. Anyone have any suggestions, JVC Problem historz says DirectX 8.1a needs to be installed, hmmm this is for win 98......
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There shouldn't be any problems whatsoever when transferring video from the D20 to a PC using Windows XP "if" you use the firewire link on your PC, this also known as a Dvi or IEEE1394/5 connection, something which its assumed that you aren't presently using.
However referring to the D20 again, if you are using a USB link to transfer the video and have installed the JVC software supplied with the camcorder and find that the PC crashes, then it strongly suggests that the problem is with the PC.
It should be remembered that even a short video of 30 minutes or so requires quite a large amount of HD space, so its a case of does it have it?
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by JB38 Jun 30, 2009