Panasonic SA HE100 AV Control Receiver error code F70
Same as Fred. All 5 fuses checked out fine. All the wirings seem ok. So i decided to do what Fred did as a last resort hoping removing the fuse would not do more damage. In my case, My He-100 has a 125V 1.6A(on the circuit board attached to the power supply facing down).Took it out and power on the unit. after about a minute turn it off(to be safe remove AC cord) and put same fuse back. Turn unit on and BINGO, F70 went away. One thing i also noticed on what might have caused mine F70 to 1st appear, the AC cord was kind of loose where it plugged into the power surge.This may have caused the unit to starve for power which may have triggered the F70 to come on. Only logical reason to my F70 error since no lighting strike or any apparent power surge. So ensure plug to unit is tight, Unit seem to need a lot of juice.