how to upload videos to windows movie maker
Breanna Posted Feb 13, 2009
i dont know how to upload my videos to windows movie maker
im trying to make a video on windows movie maker and it wont let me upload any videos!!!i have a kodak digital camera and it says that the videos arent available!
Gahh, the camera I have is a Kodak digital camera, but i don't know why everytime I try to import videos to Windows Movie maker it says something about not being able to upload because it isn't supported so I downloaded them but it still wont because it says something about not on connection path? help please?
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by JB38 Jan 07, 2010
You would have to be a bit more explanatory as regards to what connections you are using to do this, as camcorders if connected via a USB lead have to have a USB streaming programme installed in the PC to do this, the only way around it is to use a firewire connection between both, and of course as you dont mention the model of your camcorder its not known whether it actually has a DVi (firewire) output socket in the first place.