can you help me how can i prevent moisture in my videocam and what can i do to prevent an overcharging?
during travel, how do i charge my videocam while inside an airconditioned room like hotels to prevent moisture and overcharging? and lastly, when not in use for sometime, how and where will i keep my batteries and cam unit so it will function again normally when i decide to use it again?
1 comment
Re:- Query - This is an extract from instructions on how to clean the dew sensor explaining circumstances where it can occur.
The condensation problem is something that plagues many JVC models and apart from it actually being condensation, which generally only occurs where people reside in areas of very high humidity, or alternatively live in colder areas where having just used the camcorder outdoors, move back indoors again and use the camcorder straight away without having given it enough time to regain normal heat, (requires at least 1Hr) as use in any of these situations is liable to trigger a condensation warning.
If used in an air conditioned environment then you haven't really anything to worry about provided its not just been used in any of the above situations, although if worried about this keep one (or a couple) of these small silica gel moisture desiccant sachets in the camcorders carry bag.
On the charging issue, you cannot overcharge the battery! as the camcorders internal charging regulator automatically cuts off the power going into the battery when it senses its fully charged, this in exactly the same way as mobile phones do, insomuch that you can leave them on all day without fear.
A simple way to prove the point is that when a charge is taking place the charger unit will heat up slightly, but if left plugged in and a test done again after a couple of hours it will be found that the charger is cold again, albeit that its still plugged into the power source.
If by the way this is found not to apply at any time, then its liable to indicate that either the battery is faulty, or that the regulator is defective, the former applying in most cases.
All above said assuming that its the proper "original" battery being used, and not a replacement type, as "some" of these do not have heat sensors etc on them.
PS: Your model is not so notorious for suffering that problem in the same way as the "D" followed by two digits models are.