To fix the TV with different flashes and shutting off after a few minutes or very quickly is a very easy problem to repair
it virtually will cost you zero dollars
we have to do is take the two screws off the front cover that's on the bottom far corners.
After you've done that removed the black cover which I believe has four screws
what it's done that you'll see the very front six Philip screws together they are to just eject colors.
At this point you'll have to just a three bottom ones to get the desired color and not shoot so much power to your lights.
Once you've adjusted that and played with a little bit your TV will not shut off anymore.
Sometimes you have to keep trying to three bottom jets until you get the right setting.
It can take up to 20 minutes.
When I did this with my TV I've not had a problem since.
Save me a lot of money and I was going to throw it out.
Good luck