Sherri Posted Oct 22, 2008
I hooked up the camera to the TV. I was watching all different tapes for about 2 hours. Then, I took the last tape out and some of the tape from the cassette was in the camera. I took it out and tried a different cassette. It does it for every one that I put in and I get an error message "E03 Remove and reattach battery - unit in safemode". Please help!
Meant to also say, that if you can get access to the "take up" spindle try and turn it with your finger just in case its jammed, rather than the spindle drive having developed a fault.
Chances are though that it will turn freely.
E-03 is a warning that the camcorders take up spindle is not turning properly, or indeed not at all! this being the reason for the tape doubling up.
If you say that this also happens with another cassette, then that can indicate that the take up system drive belt has either snapped or came off, however no matter what it will need replaced.