No Display Lighting
I own an older JVC RX 550V receiver. The unit seems to work properly and I really don't want to replace it. The only problem is that there is no lighting on the display. So, for example, it is very difficult to see what FM station you are tuned in to. The total display is black.
I am wondering if I can either replace a bulb or part to fix this problem. Or, if I can take the unit into some location, probably in Denver, Colorado to have it repaired.
I would greatly appreciate your assistance.
Thank you,
Terry Ready
I've owned this model since new back in 1987(?). There are three AG3-style "fuse lamps" which backlight the display...one for the SEA equalizer, and two for the tuner and source selection portion of the display.
If you are handy, you can open the unit up and access the bulbs. Their fuse-holder style sockets are soldered in to two small PCBs which are in back of the display. There are some plastic clip-pins you have to carefully undo, and some metal tangs which you have to straighten out to get the boards off. It's a bit tricky to explain but if you take your time you will see how it is attached.
I think I got replacement bulbs at Digi-key, Parts Express, or possibly direct from Sylvania or Osram.
One note: the lamps are run in series. In order to keep the display from going black when any one lamp burned out, the design has zener diodes in parallel with each lamp, such that current is still permitted to go past a blown lamp (albeit at slightly higher voltage drop.) The problem is that the power dissipated by the zener is pretty high and they tend to scorch the PCB that holds them.
Hi Terry:
I have the same issue (and have had it for years) with my JVC RX-550V receiver - no display lighting. Did you ever find a solution?
Thanks, Jack