Various points here! that is apart from the fact that you haven't mentioned what brand / model of camcorder you are referring to, however what you are trying is fraught with problems with the symptoms you describe more connected with what is happening to the video once its transferred due to the compression level necessary to send a video clip via e-mail. (i.e:- Gb size files down to Mb)
I would suggest looking at sites such as CD freaks etc where video editing and all aspects of file conversions are discussed in detail.
Needless to say, if the video you are transferring is OK on the LCD as you play it all your problems are associated with whatever programme you are using for editing. (or trying to do something thats not really possible, as so many variables exist)
PS: Re the lens cap problem, if you are referring to JVC then the "free" repair only applies to certain models, and also you must have either the original packaging or be in possession of the warranty card, offer expires at the end of December 2008.