JVC Camcorder problem
Hello there,
Hello, my JVC mini DV camcorder has been goiving me some probelms for last so many months.
Here are the details about the camcorder
JVC Digital Video Camera
Model#: GR-D70U
The problem is described below:
When i turn ON my JVC GR-D70U, and move the record button to either 'A- automatic' or 'M- manual' the screen or LCD gets quite blurry and I am unable to record anything.If I go to the camcorder settings and click on 'Reset Camcorder settings', it helps some times, but most of the times, the picture still stays blurry. Then all of a sudden, the picture becomes clear and we are able to record something, but in the middle of recording, the screen will become blurry again.
Is there a solution to this problem. Please let me know.