My experience
I found this message board after looking for a possible reason my Sony Trinitron just died. I have a 35 inch that was bought about 9 years ago for nearly $1800. For a while I didn't know if the reason the tv kept losing color was because of it or the old Tivo. The other day, I got my answer. I left the room for a couple of minutes and the screen was black with the "stand by" light blinking. I also tried to turn it off and back on and got the same response as the rest of you - a click sound but nothing further. I then called one of my techs (I used to work for a Directv contract company until recently)and when I told him my Sony just died, he said "let me guess, the tv won't come on and the little red light is blinking". He said he sees this all the time. I haven't called Sony yet but will tomorrow. I almost bought a new 50" Sony Plasma tv today but after hearing how they are handling this "problem", I'm glad I didn't and now will not.