I've read about possibly cleaning a sensor or something, where is it exactly?
I have had this cam for a few years. I already had to put a couple hundred dollars into it a year ago. The latest problem began last summer when I began getting the message "condensation, operation paused". The first few times I believed there could actually be excess moisture, but the last time was under normal conditions, and even after siting it in front of a dehumidifier, leaving it open with sunlight hitting it, this message won't clear, which really peeves me off because I believe everything in my camera still functions perfectly save for this stupid safeguard. I cannot bear to pitch it, and upon calling for service, they tell me it'll take over $100 just to look at it, knowing full well I could purchase a new camera for about $200. I cannot afford to buy a new camera right now, so is there some a quick fix or something anyone can tell me about? It is a JVC GR-D30US. Help.