Hi to all, say has anyone out there found a supplier for the system control cable for the Sony cd player/receiver/dual cassette unit, Model HCD-441? I lost the system control cable during a move, and everyone knows when this happens the unit becomes useless. This is the cable that plugs into the main box and then into the sub woofer the box sits on. I think the part number is 176512111, or I have another number which may cross reference over, it is 176535011. If someone would be so kind as to help me, I'd find it most desireable to reward them them with a gift for their time and effort. I have a very nice unit, that works well and is scratchless, but it is junk to me without the cable therefore I have a strong desire to reward anyone that can help me finding this part. I think most people can understand this, especially if you are one who is in the same boat or a similar boat.