Re[2]: Sony KV-2680R , TV shuts itself off. won't turn ON.
NICHOLAS CALLAS Posted Jan 24, 2008, in response to:Gary
If you cant get this hvr block then what???????? is it hopeless ?? To make sure that I am on the right track.......when you plug the set on and push the power button on no pic no sound no power on red light on the power button BUT what I do hear here is is a clicking sound like a relay switch type sound so I know that power is hot to somthing......... before it stop working I had a good pic what started to go bad was the power on some times you had to hold in or on then off trying to get the pic and sound to kick on then it just stoped all together did not last vary long trying to fire it up this way on the right track in what we talking about was told local over the phone that is was a power supply??? did not trust this repair shop kept chang $$ tying to fix it cheap for at work at a paramedic base thank you nick