Hi everyone, my name is Pietro and I need your help. I’m writing a TV programme brief and I really don’t know how to do this because I never done anything like this before.
The brief I need to submit requires the following area to cover:
1. Programme Title
2. A statement of the Problem Area to be Investigated
3. Statistical Data to Quantify the Problem
4. Creative & Innovative products/services to help solve the problem
5. A statement of the visual style of the programme
6. A statement of the content delivery – key presenter, or various experts being interviewed.
7. Critical Analysis of the problem & suggested ways forward for the sector in general
I’ve already done most of the points but I’m stuck on the 5 – 6. I’m not a media student and I don’t have any knowledge on the subject so any help would be much appreciates.
Thanks so much
PS if anyone sends me something could you please reference because I need this stuff for an academic peace of work.