JVC VCR Turns off automatically after switching on for 5 secs.
JVC VCR Turns off automatically after switching on for 5 secs. VCR Model HR VP636U Brand JVC. Is there any dead parts of the unit that need to replace? Before this all things Happen, i was experiencing a fuse explosion and then i replace another one after swiching on another fuse explosion happened. So what i did is that i covered the fuse with silver(jumper solution) until the big capacitor exploded then i replaced a new capacitor after that the problem occure, when i switched on the unit it will turn off after 5 secs. and displays the "AUTO" on LCD and then i switched on again but still thesame it turns off again.. pls. HELP i Need you advice, this a gift for me even if its an outdated equipment but still i loved it..PLs. Help :)