I just repaired a fisher studio 60, 60-cd player with a similar symptom. The problem turned out to be four small wheels with rubber tires that the carousel rides on. The tires had deteriorated to a tar-like substance and the rotation of the carousel had deposited this all over the lip beneath the carousel. After removing the carousel from the unit, cleaning off all the tar-like substance, then replacing the rubber tires with small o-rings from the hardware store, the unit now performs as it should. Evidently the added drag from the tar-like substance triggered the M-ERROR message, and was causing the carousel to rotate much slower than normal, and causing difficulty for it to stop at its correct positions. I found this out by removing the cover and programming in a disk number several disks away, then sightly lifting up on the carousel as it tried to turn. It immediately turned much faster and went to the correct location. That's when I noticed the rubber tires had deteriorated.