Re: JVC service or questions
Unni Posted Jun 05, 2007, in response to:Stacy Sample
Unni - 4th Jun 2007 19:07
No video recording
I can replay, forward, rewind and snapshot. But I am unable to take video pictures. Pictures are visible on the screen when I aim. But when I press for video recording its proving to be futile. Can anybody help me? Please
1 comment
Just to clarify slightly, are you saying that when the camcorder is set ready to take a video but still in its pause state, you can view everything perfectly OK when looking at the LCD or viewfinder?
Also can you still play back videos taken from some "previous" time?
The reason for asking is that your model "can" suffer from the lens cap defect, however full info on this can "only" be sent to a "direct" e-mail address.
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by Unni Jun 07, 2007